Saturday, October 23, 2004

Here we go

It seems to be working just fine. Well, other than the fact that I'm still fleshing out my blogroll. It looks really different from the last layout which was really different from the one before. This one makes me wish they offered a printmaking class when I was going to school. Or rather, one that fit in my schedule. Regardless, the blog is up again, sans the ability to categorize but we'll deal with that.

UPDATE: Let me rephrase that. I thought it was fine. In the preview window, the header shows up but in reality, it's MIA. Blech. I have to go play City of Heroes now. I'll let tech support deal with it.

Now I can go back to posting about the family! Briefly:

~ Baby started cruising last Saturday. His favorite pasttime is tossing things on the tile to hear them make noise. He will take anything that looks like a bucket and put it to his face, "take a drink" then toss it if there's nothing inside. Will repeat the process until something else is more interesting. Has done it in the bath and almost choked so those things aren't allowed there anymore (tabos are just for moma now). He cut his first tooth on Sunday (front right). Both front teeth were visible under the gum and the eye teeth were visible, but now the gums over them are red so they can't be seen. J loves to pull up on mama's pants and make it hard to work in the kitchen. He is also really enjoys the bottom dishwasher drawer because it goes back and forth, just so. Other than the 4 nights last week and Thurday night, he's been sleeping through but for one episode of wakefulness just before mom and dad go to bed, so it's been wonderful to get sleep.

~ NM is doing great. He plans to be the next Chip Foose, will take up automotive design at The Art Center in Pasadena (we better start saving now). Armed with his new set of markers (24 colors including "sassy grass green"), he has designed tow trucks, souped up sedans, muscle cars, super cars and delivery vans. His favorite game is still Burnout 2 where, during the grand prix of 3 races, he got 1st, 2nd and 2nd place in that order. He is very proud (it's not easy to do, trust me).

~ JM had the root canal done. He was not happy that so much novocaine was used, at least, not afterwards. It was hard to talk and he had to wait for it to wear off so he could eat. Because there was more than the last time, it took longer. And he is a cranky guy when he has to wait to eat. Next week: the crown.


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